Well Anonymous,
This is how rumors get started. I have sniffed around quite extensively...I mean everywhere. (I really should get paid for this stuff) I have found no signs of babies or pregnancy. And there will certainly be no kittens - They took care of that years ago. I'm still bitter.
But as for the starters of rumors, who aren't Cat enough to name themselves...We have ways of dealing with you.
In other news...Real news, Grandma (Edna) has a new toy. It's about time. Thank god Popo had the courage to get one first. Now Edna is the new grounds keeper of the plantation. She looks a little dangerous on that thing. Good think I stay inside, she might get my tail. It's great for Grandpa Vic though...More time for Willow watching.
Things are changing rapidly around our house (aside from the fact that it is being cleaned, and I can no longer enter two of my favorite sleeping rooms without being yelled at and shooed away). Victoria has started going to preschool. She loves it from what I hear. She's always putting new pictures on the refrigerator when she gets home from school. All she talks about when she gets home is how much she likes the play ground, and the sand box. She doesn't even mind when the other boys pour sand in her hair.
Wait...sand in her hair...why does that remind me of a story about Diane. Oh yeah, because Diane used to pour sand in Matthew's hair when she was only Victoria's age. Funny how fate works isn't it.
This is Victoria and Gareth - fast friends because they both cry when Mom or Dad drops them off. They take turns being held by Miss Amy (their teacher) until they stop crying. Like I said...She loves school!
Kaela has been busy too. She is in her second year running cross country with the school. She has been running well...When she isn't lost in the woods with her team before the meet. She does seem to like it though. She has signed up for indoor track as well. That will be better for everyone - no more whining about having to stand in the cold and the rain.
Another big change in town is the re-retirement of our Beloved pastor, reverend Bob Jewell. He finally decided to take a break and get some much needed rest, after dedicating his whole life thus far to students and the church. He will certainly be missed. It was a tearful service, but the pie was fantastic (so I hear).
At 8:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Willow, you are some cat taking pictures like that...Didn't anyone tell you that Grandma didn't like to have pictures taken...specially without her knowing it. Just watch your tail, kitty I know where you live.
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