The Bertha vs. Norma Mae Title Fight
This is what she looked like the next day
If you think that looks bad, you should see Norma Mae. She was trying to take the last bowl of Clam chowder from the crock pot, when out of no where, Bertha wrapped the hook of her Cane around Norma Mae's ankle and down she went. You never saw Bertha move do fast. She whacked poor Norma Mae several times with her purse before Norma Mae started fighting back. In the end, Bertha wend home with the soup in her purse, but suffered a broken nose, two black eyes, 8 stitches in her upper lip, and was lacking any skin on the end of her nose and forehead.
She had a few sore fingers, and we thought they were broken, but when she turned and flipped Norma Mae off we realized they were not broken.
Anyway, Norma Mae suffered a broken leg, Some abrasions and soup burns on her forehead and cheeks, and a dislocated shoulder.

Well that's all the news from Easton for today. More about babies later.