Before the Monkey, there was a Pumpkin
Before this human holiday - Halloween - there was a strange ritual of decapitating a large pumpkin, disemboweling it and carving holes in one side. I'm not sure why this was done, it was messy and it smelled funny. I did enjoy licking the slat off the roasted seeds though.
If you don't believe me, I have proof.
And speaking of strange...What about little Victoria sitting and laying on the table. Whenever I do it, I get the boot.
And you thought I was the shaggy long haired cat. Take a look at that blond rat's nest. I hope Santa brings her some hair clips for Christmas!!!
Now these...Are just for fun.
Well, that's all for today. I was stuck in a closet all day, so now I need a little relaxation, and I need to take care of some business!